Wednesday, January 30, 2019

yii2 search where not in condition usage

suppose we have two parameters to check

Like for example

where country_id = 4  AND city_id not in (2,3,4)

then using yii2 we can do the following

 Members::find()->select(['id','name'])->where(['country_id'=>4])->andWhere(['not in','id',[2,3,4]])->all();

Thursday, January 24, 2019

MySQL - replace first occurrance of string part - Example phone

Example for removing prefix + or 00 from phone number

we can replace first occurrence of string by using following methods using mysql functions REPLACE() , LEFT , INSTR(), LOCATE(), SUBSTRING()

To replace +  example (1 character)
SET @phone= '+923333333333';
SELECT  CONCAT(REPLACE(LEFT(@phone, INSTR(@phone, '+')), '+', ''), SUBSTRING(@phone, INSTR(@phone, '+') + 1)) as updated_phone;

Updating in DB:

Update [table] set phone = CONCAT(REPLACE(LEFT(@phone, INSTR(@phone, '+')), '+', ''), SUBSTRING(@phone, INSTR(@phone, '+') + 1))

To  replace 00 example (2 characters)
SET @phone= '00923333333333';
SELECT  CONCAT(REPLACE(LEFT(@phone, locate(@phone, '00')), '00', ''), SUBSTRING(@phone, instr(@phone, '00') + 2)) as updated_phone;

Updating in DB:
UPDATE [table] set phone = CONCAT(REPLACE(LEFT(@phone, locate(@phone, '00')), '00', ''), SUBSTRING(@phone, instr(@phone, '00') + 2))